Anthony Scaramucci Is Bullish As Ever, Says Bitcoin Is ‘Definitely A Commodity’

Anthony Scaramucci Is Bullish As Ever, Says Bitcoin Is ‘Definitely A Commodity’

by Virtusenews
17. April 2023
Anthony Scaramucci Is Bullish As Ever, Says Bitcoin Is ‘Definitely A Commodity’

For all the knocks he’s taken from and over his interest in crypto markets, Skybridge CEO Anthony Scaramucci says he hasn’t lost any enthusiasm for Bitcoin.

“I’m not a cold figure in this space. I’m not an evangelist. I’m not one of these religious figures that’s going to chant ‘Bitcoin über alles’ no matter what is going on in life,” he told Decryptduring a recent interview for the gm podcast. “So I want to frame it from that perspective, and then tell you that I’m more bullish now than I’ve ever been.”

He’s up against some strong headwinds. By the time Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto exchange FTX filed for bankruptcy in November, he’d become professionally and personally close to Scaramucci. They partnered to host the Crypto Bahamas conference last April. In September, FTX acquired a 30% stake in SkyBridge for $40 million. And when Bankman-Fried’s empire went bust, Scaramucci said on CNBC that he was “working to buy the equity back.”

Now, he’s got his sights set on Bitcoin’s next boom cycle and hoping that regulators can get out of their own way. The way he sees it, Bitcoin really started accumulating interest from a wider audience from late 2021 through the end of 2022.

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