Bitcoin’s Use Case Strengthens As Canadian Bank Accounts Get Frozen

Bitcoin’s Use Case Strengthens As Canadian Bank Accounts Get Frozen

by Ras Vasilisin
23. February 2022
Bitcoin’s Use Case Strengthens As Canadian Bank Accounts Get Frozen
History has shown us that the more socialist a country is, the more authoritarian it risks becoming. If you’ve been following the events of the Canadian trucker convoy protests, and the Trudeau administration’s crackdown on demonstrators’ basic liberties, you know this to be true.

The protests, by the way, are against so much more than vaccine mandates. At a time when countries are dropping Covid restrictions, people in some parts of Canada, most notably Quebec, are still having to deal with nightly curfews, restrictions on where you can walk your dog and more. Fines have been handed out to those who assist the demonstrators in any way.

The prime minister has invoked emergency powers that allow him to “commandeer” banks and insurers. Despite the fact that peaceful protest is constitutionally protected in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms, two key protest organizers were arrested in the capital of Ottawa last week. GoFundMe fundraisers have been shut down and bank accounts have been frozen without a court order.

That leaves Bitcoin. Although Trudeau can’t prevent someone anywhere in the world from sending Bitcoin to protestors’ wallets, he’s made it more difficult for them to convert the digital assets into Canadian dollars.

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