President of Argentina Open to Adopting Cryptocurrencies as Legal Tender

President of Argentina Open to Adopting Cryptocurrencies as Legal Tender

by Virtuse Admin
16. August 2021
President of Argentina Open to Adopting Cryptocurrencies as Legal Tender

Alberto Fernandez, the president of Argentina, stated he is open to the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender in an interview this week. Fernandez said there is a big discussion around the value and use of cryptocurrencies not only in Argentina but also all over the world. However, he recognized this issue should be treated carefully, and acknowledged he had limited knowledge in the subject of cryptocurrencies.

President of Argentina Open to Allow Crypto to Become Legal Tender

Alberto Fernandez, the current president of Argentina, expressed his opinion of cryptocurrencies in the Black Box, an interview program hosted by Julio Leiva, an Argentinian journalist. When asked about the subject of cryptocurrencies, and if his government was looking into it, Fernandez stated that there was a big debate over the function of cryptocurrencies not only in Argentina but in the whole world. He stated:

This is a subject that must be treated carefully. In my case, because it is still unknown to me. Some still don’t understand how this money is materialized. These doubts I have are shared by many, that’s why the project has not expanded further.


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